Senin, 24 Desember 2012

Save and Return The Beauty of Heaven Under Sea

Indonesia is one of the biggest archipelago in this world - islands that extend outward from Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Irian Jaya, and others small islands that provide the land for humans animals and plants life. Indonesia has the big waters area that less of border saving. That problem can cause lawsuit threatening of border area with beside countries. Others that, in utilization of resource that over and the wrong processing cause the ecosystem of sea life will be threatened.
Natural wealth of Indonesia, it’s so much. From natural resources are minerals cancering plants, and an animals. All of that potenhal to make economy in Indonesia will be better. Actually, all of resources in Indonesia that more have potential is sea resource. It have many kinds of sea plant and animal. One of them is coral reef, coral reef in Indonesia marine is very popular in this world.  It is very beautiful and interesting. So itu be heaven for the fish life. Beside that, coral reef also as filter for sea fresh ness by threatening. The coral feef in a half Indonesia marine area, how their condition are so bad. Majority of them have a damaging. It is caused by the bad human manner, like use the wrong of catching technic. So, that can make coral reef ecosystem be damaged. Just in the east of Indonesia that the beauty of coral reef stil saved. So it is very appropriate if there be object destination for local or foreign tourism.
The less of publics realize and knowledgement about the important of coral reef for sea ecosystem, that cause marine waters be damaged. The coral reef is the place for fish life and now be bad because humans responsible. Automatically, the life of fish will be threatened. Therefore, we must save and return the coral reef as heaven under sea.

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